The first part of this blog series covered the use of critical and actionable data for recall management and plant operations. Having a proactive approach for managing recalls and a predictive approach to operating a food plant has significant benefits for food manufacturers. 数据是工厂范围内数据驱动的可追溯性方法所需的一个关键元素. This approach enables a processor to be proactive with their recall management practices. Having the right data collection devices collecting and interpreting the data ultimately helps to improve operational efficiencies plant-wide. This second blog covers the use of critical and actionable data for enhancing plant operations and carcass yield management.
数据正在成为食品生产行业转型的重要催化剂. 肉类生产链包括养殖, 动物交付, 主要处理, 进一步的处理, 和分布. This blog will focus on the use of critical and actionable data in the 主要处理 area, 特别是屠体管理. 生产吞吐量, 包装线性能, 免费报道将在另一个博客中介绍. 进一步的处理也受益于使用关键和可操作的数据, 这将在本系列的另一部分中讨论.
Having accurate carcass yields is the key to maintaining strong performance and delivering healthy profit margins. 肉类加工链(收获)中典型的不准确和人为错误, 剔骨, 切割, 重, 标签和包装)每天都会造成相当大的损失. Depending on the operations, even small amounts of waste can result in large product loss. Therefore, yield reporting and analysis are a huge part of the production manager’s daily function. 收益率对公司的底线有重大影响, which makes the yield one of the most important performance indicators for financial managers. 肉类生产商需要找到通过改善产量管理来降低成本的方法. They are 要求 to collect critical and actionable data and make sense of this data for managing their yield performance.
Yield and throughput data can provide insight for both the operations and financial side of the business. Critical and actionable data can help the Operations Team get an overview of the day-to-day operations of the plant. While these calculations also enable finance professionals to manage the overall performance of the business.
数据收集和分析在提高效率方面起着至关重要的作用. Plant managers require access to critical and actionable data for effectively monitoring and measuring the plant floor operations, 从收获到称重到包装再到运输. 从工厂操作的各个部分收集数据(例如.e. 收获, 重, 包装, and shipping) the plant engineering and information systems (IT) departments have to design and implement appropriate data collection hardware (scales, 扫描仪, 打印机电脑), 制造执行拉菲2注册登录(MES), 仓库管理拉菲2注册登录, 分析拉菲2注册登录以及ERP系统解决方案. 当工厂的硬件和拉菲2注册登录与ERP拉菲2注册登录正确集成时, 它们提供了对整个工厂运作的全面了解, 包括产量.
胴体分级通常用于促进胴体贸易. 牲畜生产者根据胴体的质量获得报酬. 因此,生产者总是在寻找改进生产实践的方法. Until the introduction of computing technology, the carcass 分级 was performed by the eye. With advanced technology, companies were able to achieve labour savings and consistent 分级. Carcass 分级 is usually based on weight as well as measuring the fat and lean content on the harvest floor before chilling. Having data on carcass grades empowers plant managers to deliver quality products and helps finance managers accurately set the pricing for carcasses.
通过为每具胴体提供关键和可操作的数据, the 分级 mechanism ensures livestock producers are paid fairly based on the actual and historical data analysis reports. 除了, meat processing plants can be transparent with their livestock producers and enable them to improve practices for producing high-quality livestock. 因此, the critical and actionable data is improving the entire supply chain process from farm to fork, 谁能最终为消费者提供最优质的肉类. Critical and actionable data from carcass 分级 helps processors compete and achieve healthy profit margins
确定尸体, 重, 分级, 和扫描是典型的过程涉及胴体分级操作. 这些设备被放置在合适的空间,与强大的MES一起工作, 世界媒体峰会, ERP, and analytical software for collecting critical and actionable data in the carcass 分级 process. These technologies need to be integrated to flawlessly collect the 要求 data for empowering plant managers, 金融专业人士, 畜牧生产者.
Solution integration is the best method for implementing a plant floor data-collection system consisting of hardware and software. This approach limits risk and brings proven practices to identify the ideal data collection points in the plant. 解决方案集成还有助于确定数据收集的正确技术, 它可以成为理解收集到的数据的强大工具. Integrated solution platforms provide plant operators with data-collection at each 要求 point throughout the plant floor. 因此, solution integration delivers a widely used integrated solution platform that will improve operations and empower recall management.
employee training is key to any successful implementation of data collection devices and the use of a data-centric approach to improving operational efficiencies. 一般来说,人们抗拒改变. 所以,员工的参与是整个过程的第一步. 其次, selecting an in-house project champion helps to mobilize the team to embrace the data-centric culture. 最后, engaging an experienced and proven solution provider to configure and implement the solution plant-wide ensures successful delivery.
拉菲2在线登录注册 has been operating at the forefront of the data-centric culture for decades. 拉菲2在线登录注册 provides fully-integrated technology solutions that streamline data collection across the entire production cycle from receiving through processing, 包装, 从仓储到出货和开发票. 拉菲2在线登录注册 offers an integrated suite of software and hardware solutions to empower the manufacturer to collect critical and actionable data from the plant floor. Partner with 拉菲2在线登录注册 to make this journey a complete success in the era of data!
作者:Kamal Krishnapillai,业务发展-拉菲2在线登录注册
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